Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Paint Tool SAI tutorial part 2

Drawing Simple Line and Curve

Using ordinary Mouse so
So the first thing to do is Create new "Linework" layer. 
To make a simple Line, just use Line tool as in the image below. You Don't Have to Hold Click, just Single Click to determine the length of each point of Line, that's it. Oh Yea, dont forget to Select COLOR first, because by default, it will start as WHITE, so nothing to see XD

Dont be afraid of making mistake, You can always Move the line to another point by Dragging it.
To do it, Click Edit tool on left panel, HOLD Ctrl button, and Hold Left Click, start dragging line's point.

Now in this tutorial, I make sure all lines are Closed in order to Fill Color in Single Click later.
Let's make the Edge into Curve OR vice versa. Click Edit tool, Hold Ctrl + Alt to convert it into Curve. Result below

Now we control the Thickness of the line stroke. Click Pressure tool (Double Click to change it's shortcut, mine is R --- same applies to all tools in this software to change shortcut)

Select one point, Hold Left Click and drag it left or right to control and change the Thickness. 

See? as good as Pen Tablet user ...... NOW we will fill Color in SINGLE Click, very effortless.
On right panel, Check the "Selection Source" and the current Linework layer will marked green

Now move to the "Layer1" this is the Layer where to paint everything you've made. Let's Paint the Shape real Quick!!! Click Bucket tool on left panel. Make sure the selected mode is "Selection Source" so it will only fill the area. NOTE ALL LINEs must be Closed, if there's one open space, this feature won't work. Ok...... just single Click the middle of shape, and Voila!!! You can use same method for coloring Skin, clothes, hair, all in single CLICK hahahaha

Alright that's the end of this tutorial. BONUS!! Very clear reference how to make very Smooth Curve using Mouse below
Edit tool ---Ctrl + Alt + single click = convert edge to curve
Pressure tool --- Hold Click + drag left/right = Adjust Thickness of line 
Ok see you next time on Tutorial Part 3, right now you feel like a PRO, right?

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Hatsune Miku Grayscale Coloring

I dont talk Much here


Download Links
FULL JPG 2k px size with "01" tattoo HERE
FULL JPG 2k px size without "01" tattoo HERE

FULL PNG 2k px size with "01" tattoo HERE
FULL PNG 2k px size without "01" tattoo HERE

Pant Tool SAI Tutorial part1

Hello readers, in this following tutorial I'll teach you some Paint Tool SAI basics.
under following: Hardware compatibility, Maximum Canvas size, Click detection, Panel, Page Layout 

Ok here I'll be using ordinary Mouse, considering not all of us have a Pen Tablet device to draw. Maybe you'll think this gonna be hard, but NO it is REALLY EASY

First we will see the default preview of Paint Tool SAI

This is the default preview of Paint Tool SAI. I personally loves the panels on both side, in case you wanna change it go to > Window > Show Layer Panel to the right. Do some experiment with other features :D

Now we Talk about Hardware Capability, Paint Tool SAI allows user to use as large size canvas as possible, the thing is, it depends on your: RAM and Video Card. Lowest CPU I've tested this SAI is Pentium IV and newer Pentium. Higher is better, but anyway, the process of painting is recognized as graphics editing by your Hardware, therefore RAM and Video Card plays role here

Now about mouse setup (ignore this if your mouse just fine) but this is my preferred setup

Alright, now onto creating new file -> File > New or Ctrl+N. There are plenty of standard international PC screens resolution, note those resolution are based on 4:3 aspect ratio, in case you need to make a wallpaper to fit 16:9 screen, please refer to Google for exact or Click HERE

My favorite size is 2560px because I love details :D anyway for learning, you can just make a page size setup exactly same to your current desktop resolution: For example 1280x720 or 1366x768

Now once a canvas has been created, you can start your ART :D Look at the right panel of image below, there're 2 Layers : Layer 1 which is bitmap, this is where you put your Painting, Brush stroke, and so on "Can I draw line using this Layer? YES if you use Pen Tablet, NO if you use ordinary mouse" you'll notice available tools on the left panel

"But I use Mouse so I'll be suck at Drawing Line" NO You're not, you'll be just fine as good as Pen Tablet users. therefore you see on image above, there're Layer 1 and Linework1

Linework1 is the real Layer to draw Line for MOUSE User, there's icon right above it to click
as you can see, Available Tools for Linework Layer are optimized for Drawing Line ONLY, not painting.

This is the end of Tutorial Part1 see you next time on Tutorial Part2

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